If you are looking for small payment monetization, or if you have used up all the small payment limits after proceeding, or if payment is not possible due to restrictions on the small payment policy, you will find that the information usage fee is monetized. Information usage fee monetization (정보이용료 현금화) is a method of monetization in which goods are paid to mobile games registered in the Play Store/App Store using information usage fees/content usage fees provided by carriers and resells these goods.
The reason why small payments are cashed out before cashing in information usage fees is that the fee for small payments is still cheaper, but if you need more cash or can’t make small payments, you often use a lot of information usage fees. This is because even if the fee is a little more expensive, there is no such thing as a small payment policy (소액결제 정책), so if there is an information usage fee limit, 100% payment can be made without any conditions.

Information usage fee monetization route
1. Lineage M Payment
Lineage M payment is the most famous method of monetizing information usage fees in Korea. You can access the game and purchase diamonds at in-game stores. Usually, it is difficult to buy and sell diamonds directly because you have to resell them, so you only buy diamonds through the company, and the company sells them separately.
2. Cash iPhone information usage fees
In the past, iPhone users could not use the information fee. This is because Apple did not provide a payment method, but because Apple recently allowed you to set the payment method with mobile phone payment, you can use the information fee. Using the information fee provided by the carrier, you can make a mobile game payment and settle this in cash.
3. Using a company specializing in monetizing information usage fees
If you monetize information usage fees by yourself, you can earn a little more cash because you don’t pay an additional fee, but since it takes a long time to buy and sell game goods, you may not be able to use it when you need to urgently raise cash. Cash payment can be made immediately even if you pay a small fee to the company, so it is a good idea to proceed with monetization through a professional company.